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Statement Insights

What can I get from the data enrichment endpoint?

Omolara Akanni avatar
Written by Omolara Akanni
Updated over 8 months ago

The statement insights provide a clear and insightful analysis of a user's transactions over a certain period of time. This includes a general summary of the bank account, activity insights, transaction details, insights on repeat and recurring transactions, and some rare findings such as identical debits and credits, cash deposits larger than the salary, and immediate large withdrawals after the salary date. These insights are all important and can aid in credit scoring decisions.

Here's a breakdown of all insights that can be gotten from the statement insights API.




This is the account ID of the user whose account was linked.


Date of earliest transaction linked on the account (YYYY-MM-DD).


Date of latest transaction linked on the account (YYYY-MM-DD).


Number of days between the first and last transaction


Number of transactions found linked on the account


Total credit amount minus total debit amount of all transactions


transaction.balance of earliest transaction


transaction.balance of latest transaction


Average of transaction.balance for all transactions


Ratio of all debit to credit transactions


Total credit amount within the duration


Total debit amount within the duration


Number of all credit transactions


Number of all debit transactions


Total amount for all recurring credit transactions


Total amount for all recurring debit transactions


More than 2 occurrences of withdrawal >80% of salary within 24hrs of credit.


This finds a match for the following criterias:
1. Same credit and debit amounts
2. Both credit and debit are transfers
3. Debit happened within 3 days after credit


If salary is found; this returns credit amount higher than the salary amount.


Top 3 highest debits showing the amount and date of transaction


Top 3 highest credits showing the amount and date of transaction


This breaks down the average monthly sums of credit transactions


This breaks down the average and total monthly sums of debit transactions


This section considers all transactions, whether they are repeated or not. It shows the average amount per month, as well as sum of all amounts for each month over the last 12 months.


This section considers repeated transactions. It shows the average amount per month, as well as sum of all amounts for each month over the last 12 months.


This returns the clusters of repeat transactions and its details.

From the recurring_transactions cluster, here are the insights that can be gotten:

i) description

This is the transaction description for the cluster. The version returned maybe a modified version that has been stripped some text like months and reference number

ii) category

Cluster category returned from the transaction categoriser

iii) type

The type of transactions in the cluster. This could be credit or debit

iv) count

Total number of transactions in the cluster

v) stability

Variance of transaction amounts in the cluster. Ranges between 0-1.

vi) consistency

Consistency of the transaction amounts in the cluster, weighted by days between transactions. Ranges between 0-1.

vii) average_monthly_sum

Total monthly average / Number of months

viii) average_days_between_transactions

Average number of days between transactions in the cluster

ix) compound_monthly_growth_rate

monthly_growth_rate: monthly growth rate in total transaction amount for that cluster
total: total amount per specific month
growth_rate: increase in the total amount in relation to previous month. Ranges between 0-1.

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